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4 Brilliant ways to get ORIGINAL blog post ideas.

Where to get original inspiration for your blog posts:

Are you feeling dull, burned out, or knocking your head trying to search for writing topics that sound original, Do you need more inspirations for your blog topics?

Aside from Pinterest where can you go to spark inspiration for your blog posts? I’ve seen a lot of pins on Pinterest that sound a lot like, “100 blog post topics to write” or something very generic like that.

That’s all cool and dandy, but sometimes you want something original and not a pre-made template of a blog post. I love a good template, but I write about pregnancy loss and miscarriage….so trust me when I say blog templates are a last resort/ I can’t think of anything anymore, ha.

So, I’ll be listing a few ways that I, personally come up with some of my blog posts that do not include searching for topics on Pinterest, just pure inspiration.


Guess what, there are a slew of people making podcasts in every niche. My favorite is Charlene Johnson. You may know her from her Beachbody fitness videos, but she is soo much more than that. I vibe with her energy so much, she’s just so enthusiastic and energetic, but very business savvy as well. I love her.

Ok, so what I’m not telling you to do is to go take someones podcast and turn it into a blog post, no, that’s plagiarizing (insert stink eye). What I am saying is– that listening to podcasts can be quite inspirational and maybe a phrase or even a word might strike a chord with you and ta-dah, you’ve found inspiration for your next post.


This goes hand in hand with podcasts, and if you’re not ‘religious’ that’s fine, you don’t have to listen to a sermon. But this is something that I love to do because you never really know when something is going to resonate with you or even your audience. I actually just wrote a blog post (unpublished) thanks to a sermon I was listening to the other day.

* Facebook groups:

What is trending in your niche? What are the hot topics that are floating around your circle? Are you a mom blogger? What kind of talk is going through the mommy groups? Is there something you can help another mama with?

The inspiration for one of my most popular blog posts actually came from one of my Facebook groups. In this particular group there was a deep discussion that I could strongly relate too.

So, I took the voice and concerns of the group and myself and made a blog post about it. I felt it would be beneficial for my audience to read since I do write to work at home moms  a bit.

I then shared it in the group where I originally got the idea. If you are not part of any Facebook groups with your niche, then get to it, no more wasting time. There is inspiration to be found! 🙂

*Those around you:

Who are you the closest to? Your husband, child, pet (yes, I just went there, ha), friends, or family? Pick someone. Are they good at something you could write about, is your child potty-training and you have tips, ideas, and funny stories to share with other mothers?

Is a friend going through a rough time and willing to share ways to cope? Today for example; my husband’s friend is coming over to help install a wall mount. Oh look, I just found my next blog post idea, joking, but it really is that easy. Well, sometimes it is.

I know that at times it can be so hard to think with all the noise around you, mama bear. But, take a deep breath, and stop over-thinking your blog post ideas.

Just go with the flow, because you can truly find original inspiration anywhere!

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